Traumwind - Google Graph Browser

NEW VERSION! TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.00

Enter starting URL
Instructions and a new home can be found on Alex Shapiro's site:

Below you find the older Vanilla-Vista based version, with intructions


Note: due to popularity, my Google key regularly gets overused (there are only 1000 request per key and day), so it is perfectly possible that you might not see graphs for all pages you try. You might consider using your own key...

(please bear in mind that the current applet is only a draft version and we are working to fix some bugs and limitations)
Note: these instructions also apply to Chris Langreiter's Vista-Amazon Browser

Please don't overuse this, as you will be using my Google-Key.
The queries are cached, so don't worry to much, each URL is only queried once per day from Google.

I have made it possible for users to enter their own Google-Key below, and the server-side will then use that key for queries the current user generates. The keys are not stored by me, and if you happen to use this tool often, please consider using your own Google key.
You can obtain a key by signing up to the Google-API beta programm, which is free.

[Google key]


after playing around with the SOAP Google-API and Chris Langreiters Vanilla-Vista use of the the TouchGraph Java-Applet, I came up with this alternate 'related-pages' browser.
I'm using Dietrich Ayala's SOAPx4 PHP classes for the server-side.


Google Hacks at Amazon.deThe TouchGraph GoogleBrowser has been included in O'Reilly's Google Hacks. The book features many great examples of how to take advantage of the Google API, and the TGGoogleBrowser is used as an example of how the API can be combined with visualization. (


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Martin Spernau
© 1994-2025 Wunschliste

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