We've had a very delightful surprise visit by our good friend an mentor, Prof. Dr. Gallegos. (Author of serveral good
books). Have a look at
Sandra's old website (in German) to see what he's about... (Here's a man who needs a weblog if I know one, sadly I didn't have time to demo this to him)
We did have a short talk about writing tools thought, and I was suprised to hear he had been an avid Newton user some time back, but gave that up for a classic powerbook (he had a keyboard for the Newton, so it was the size factor). I would have loved to show him Tinderbox and the like... Very interesting to hear he mostly still uses WriteNow! simply because of it's simplicity...
And now seeing that animalimagery.org, the main page for IIVR is 'down' I think I just might suggest some webdesign/hosting stuff again...
[ by Martin>]
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