Inspired by
Mark Bernstein's Daybook Tinderbox idea, and the idea of writing a
success journal I set up a very simple TB Outline. Each note has an attribute like 'theDate', and the Container sorts by that (and secondly by creation date). So now I can jot down each and every little or big success I've had in the past days, and roughly (or presicely) date it. The idea is actually to jot down anything that comes to mind that qualifies as a success, or was simply satisfying. Later on I will then put in agents to collect all of these notes in the last week, month etc.
The psycological idea behind this success journal is to accumulate satisfying experiences and celebrate them, if only by remembering and writing down. It's perfectly ok to put in anything oh-so small. The idea is to signal you subconcious that you are having success and and lots of it. It's a state of mind kind of thing.
[ by Martin>]
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