Euphoria at 0.9Hz
What might read like a weird title for a new track... might actually be that. But right here I just want to write about a cool little tool I found that creates binaureal tones. These are commonly used for brainwave entrainment. The theory is that if the brain is stimulated with a certain frequency (via sensory input, here audio), it will "entrain" or synchronize with those freqencies. As research has shown, certain states of consciousness (alertness, relaxation, deep sleep etc) have a typical dominant brainwave frequency. As these frequencies are in a range below audible sound (40Hz-0.5Hz), an amplitude modulation of a higher tone is used to create the stimulus.
- Here is the tool: SBaGen (it's a commandline tool, but very powefull and availeable for Windows, MacOS X and Linux, with full source under GPL).
- And here is the frequencies listing I have based my experiments on: Brainwave Frequency Listing (alternate link)
SBaGen has the nice feature of being able to easily define a time based sequence with a rather powerful yet simple syntax. But you can also simply start it with a one-off set, and vary that to taste and situation.
Here are some example invocations I have been playing with: (standard disclaimer: I take NO responsibility for anything you do with this info or what happens to you or or your pets. USE AT OWN RISK AND DISCRETION.)
- alert, creative and focused:
./sbagen -m river1.ogg -i mix/10 136.1+0.9/4 136.1+5/7 136.1+6/7 136.1+10/7 136.1+22/1 136.1+40/1
The carrier tone is at 136.1Hz which is supposedly is the sun-tone (energy, and warmth). The modulation frequencies are 0.9Hz at low amplitude for a a positive, energizing state, then 5Hz for unconventional solutions, 6Hz for the wilingness to work/focus and 10Hz for a general meditative calmness (10Hz is often assosciated with zen meditation etc). I also use two higher frequncies here: 22 and 40Hz which in combination are supposedly good for alertness, clear though etc. - peaceful reflection:
./sbagen -m river1.ogg -i mix/10 136.1+0.5/4 136.1+3.5/7 136.1+4.5/7
- this ia a simple set. 0.5Hz for very deep relaxation, 3.5Hz for a feeling of unitedness with everything and the 4.5Hz that is often assosciated with the shamanic mindset (Tibetan chant etc). For a sequence that is supposed to lead of into sleep/dream I might also add 2.5Hz for it's sedative effect.
A few notes about these examples:
- I use one single carrier frequency to avoid extra modulation due to two frequencies being out of tune with each other. This could be remied by using octaves or harmonies, but I tend to prefer deep sounds so due to the use of headphones (important!) I am limited to the 100Hz-200Hz band.
- As the tone modulations can be percieved similar to beats (1Hz is 60BPM), using several frequencies close together and at odd relative pitches can create a very busy polyrythmic effect. This has to be tuned to taste. sometimes introducting an odd frequency works very nicely to break monotony, or reducing the amplitude of it will make it work.
- audible or not - or just? I am not sure about how audible I prefer these beats. Mixing them with the river sound or oter music sometimes helps, sometimes not. It's up to the situation I think. Generally these beats should be fairly quiet, just audible.
- does it work? Not sure. It might be down to belief. Knowing what a certain set does might influence the effect. But definetly I can report some effect towards the intended directions of the sets and frequencies. So be warned about using 2.5Hz when driving - not a good idea!
- using Tinderbox notes for templates?
- genius, frustration and burnout
- your body already knows the truth
- encouraging passion
alles Bild, Text und Tonmaterial ist © Martin Spernau, Verwendung und Reproduktion erfordert die Zustimmung des Authors